I view the president of the United States as a madman; full stop. A man who seems to thrive off of fear, discomfort, misinformation, and hype. I’d like to think he knows something I do not. I’d like to think him capable of leading and uniting. Or acting like a man who has some sort of belief in something other than the sound of his own voice. I do not. Pray for us over here in the United States, blog readers. We will certainly pray for you in Europe, too. I wondered what would happen when this was declared a pandemic this afternoon by the WHO. It is clear that the president took that as a spin opportunity, and an opportunity to make more people terrified that don’t know any better. The world isn’t ending. We must stop and breathe. We must reevaluate. And we must come together. I wonder what would have happened if I’d stayed in the state above mine, or gone to one more ER seeking help. Please research things, blog readers. Please be kind to one another, wash your hands (which shouldn’t be a novel concept), and stay home if you are unwell. And for Gods sake vote in November. I’ll pray for you and please pray for me.