I went to workout at the y today, and after I was done decided to walk home. Just to see if I could. Typical me behavior. It’s about a mile, and the area closest to water is pretty much deserted during the day with a few business types and medical professionals sprinkled in. Towards the end I realized that was too far, and my walk was shortened right around the time that started to dawn on me by my Romanian shuttle driving friend who saw me walking. I am thankful.
To think of where I was and what I have come back from over the last three years is pretty mind boggling. I have never been one to put boundaries on myself, and that has come in handy I feel. Especially on days like today when I’ve walked 12,000 steps and it’s not even 3pm. I am a better and fiercer human being for my ability to just keep pushing forward; especially in this season of life that I find myself in now. And today I am grateful for my river walk and the ability to walk in the first place. But for the Grace of God go I. He is why I can walk, and it is He who will help me to run. ❤️