
Hello 3,000 views

The blog that you’ve stumbled across if you’re not a friend, acquaintance, or family member of mine has my heart in it. (Hence the website name) This blog has many layers, and if you start from its infancy to now it may seem as if you’re reading the thoughts of two different authors. But it’s just me. I have just been horrifically sick the last 7ish months. My brain has issues, and not like your ex did, but of the neurological variety. Around December of last year it began to be even weirder, and there’s been a relocation for medical care, and its healing itself. Again. These past months I’ve learned what, and who matters, and try to live my life as authentically as possible as a newly physically disabled person in the middle of the pandemic the world finds itself in.

I’m unapologetically honest, Catholic, and honestly have no idea what’s next for me. Im often a bit like that fish from the Disney movie that can’t remember much for long. But I’m alive, have the basics, a perfect dog, healthcare, and am making it so far just fine. If I don’t know you, welcome to this site you’ve stumbled across. I’m glad you’re here.

I didn’t think I was going to make it at the beginning of this year many times. That has a tendency to make someone pray harder, be a lot more kind, and wake up with a sense of purpose because you didn’t think you’d wake up again in the first place. There’s more to come for me, and with Gods help perhaps it will be wildly fantastic. Or perhaps it will be perfect in something as simple as remembering to eat and daring to dream.

Blessings and love,
