
Joy filled in a world gone amuck

It is very easy to become disheartened at the state of things around the world. I would argue that throughout history times have always been trying, and the world has always been in a state of disarray since it’s inception. (Adam and Eve, bless your hearts. 🙄) The only difference in the here and now, is that we are living in a profits driven, ultra electronic age, and technology and social media can a lot of times saturate our minds with the idea that there is no hope, and that everything and everyone around us are terrible. Or that we should just buy more stuff or pop a pill to fix anything and everything that ails us.

But that just isn’t so. It isn’t so because our life here on Earth is but a grain of sand compared to an eternity with God. We are down here on Earth to prepare for that eternity, and though we may have close friends and family that we can count on and love, and having a human hand to hold is always a wonderful thing, we should be hope filled because of what is to come-not because of what is on this Earth.

Don’t get me wrong, people are indeed acting out of their collective minds. And personally, my body is the product of a fractured and rapidly decaying public and private health system that is completely driven by monetary gains. I get the frustration, anger, malcontentedness and fear. I feel those emotions sometimes, and make no apologies for feeling things that, as my dearest friend would say, I have felt because I need to. But despite that, and with continued daily prayer I am joy filled. I am joy filled because I know that my hope ultimately comes from absolutely nothing of this Earth, and I work daily to put my faith in what is above and not below because I want to end up with God at the conclusion of my lifetime. Not with more money than I know what to do with; I couldn’t take any of it with me anyhow.