May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight oh Lord my strength and my redeemer. Amen
That came to the forefront of my brain as I wheeled over to my makeshift desk to write this. Perhaps it’s where I get the prayer that I have prayed for years on and off:
God, please help my words, thoughts, and actions to be more like you than myself. Do with me as you will.
Anyway, things are crazy in my country right now. This morning when I woke up I had the idea for this blog post, and amazingly haven’t forgotten it. Even after fully participating at Mass on a rough pain day. To whom do I bow? People, because we are imperfect human beings, have a way of glorifying and bowing at everything but God. I’ve been guilty of that, as we all have the world over. But I can’t help but wonder if we worshipped God with the same vigor, and obeyed his commandments the way we glorify a celebrity or the newest shoe or iPhone how very different the world would be. Vastly different I would imagine.
On this Pentecost Sunday I pray with thanksgiving for the birth of the Church and with hopefulness in my soul for a new Pentecost. That a revival spread through this country, and we always remember who sits on the throne. Most especially that we all may be one. ❤️