In the spirit of a podcast I just listened to, and also because I haven’t done it in awhile, I’m going to post a free flowing prayer as it comes to me. 10 years ago, my Uncle Ed taught me to pray after my brain issues really began. When he was in seminary at Duke he learned the ACTS prayer method which stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. This method has saved my life a time or two, and has helped me to communicate with my best friend The Big Guy in Heaven when I have been out of words, or just had too many to make them make sense. So here goes:
Adoration: I am so thankful for the relationship that I have with you. A relationship that sustains and uplifts me even on days that I don’t realize it. Thank you for loving me and showering me with your Grace.
Confession: I am not always appreciative of the blessings I am given large and small. Sometimes, I am filled with fear because of the chaos that runs rampant in the government in the US. Sometimes I let the bad outweigh the good in my life when there is always more good.
Thanksgiving: Thank you for this apartment. Thank you for lights that turn on, water that runs, and a sink that is fixed, Thank you for every trial and struggle. Thank you for my angel Elles. Thank you for Catholicism. Thank you for my neurologist, cardiologist, and PCP.
Supplication: Please restore my faith in the government of the United States, and help all elected officials to see past their own egos. Help them to remember that they were elected to govern, lead, and help the people of this country. Please help me to maintain safety from Covid when I attend Mass, and am at the hospital.