
Dear God,

You’re one that moves mightily, and I feel unworthy of the blessings you bestow upon me.

When I woke up this morning and saw my face, I wondered if I was seeing double. All day after realizing I wasn’t I have found I’ve been floating on a sea of Grace. My eye is normal and my mouth is too for the most part.

Many years ago, I posted a quote on social media. “Every Saint has a past and every sinner has a future.” How true that is. (Don’t remember who said that. πŸ€” )

I also don’t know what you’re up to, but thank you for sticking your mighty hand into this bedroom and fixing my face. How sweet it is to be loved by you. As my uncle said when I was able to really talk to him about you, and asked him a million questions he answered every one with, “Because He loves us.” I’ll stop babbling at night and in the morning. I know you’re busy. 😬



Dear God,

I ask that you help to restore my faith in the government of the United States.

I ask that you fill the hearts of all those that feel like they’re forgotten with an abundance of hope.

I ask you to soften the hearts of those that need it-today that heart is mine with regards to my faith in this country.

I ask that as a nation we care more about keeping each other going than testing basketball players.

I ask that the America of years past comes back with a vengeance.

That those who are hot cool off and vice versa. May no person go hungry or do without in any way.

I ask that you give me an abundance of patience, and love to share with others. But in turn know when to say no, and to always protect myself from my newfound seat in a chair part time in the middle of this pandemic.

People certainly aren’t perfect. Your son is the only one that is. Please heal my heart and spirit from the traumas they have endured.

I am indeed human, but please help my words, thoughts, and actions to be more like you than ever before.

Thank you for your numerous blessings and most importantly your friendship. Thank you for every tick of my heart. You’re who causes it to beat so very very fast.

Protect my family and friends and everyone in between. We need you now more than ever. But there is always purpose.

Until tomorrow,



Finding a vocation amidst the Covid-19 outbreak

People have often spoken of vocations in my life, so while I’m on this quarantine I thought I would figure out just what mine is suppose to be. Today’s reminder of what it could possibly be were the two sweet children that live upstairs coming to the window and waving and smiling while they played outside. Their mama must’ve had a talk with them to explain further about me. πŸ™‚ Little people are the best kinds of people. Maybe while I think and pray and heal as best I can I can get that much further listening to and seeing the smiles and laughter of the children outside my window.



I’ve listened to many beautiful and profound homily’s in my 35 years, but Fr. Mikes today online was one of the most beautiful I’ve ever heard. Before that homily I began to think a lot about Grace. And Gods unfailing love.

God gave us a perfect world free from sin and devastation. Disease and sickness. Everything we could ever need, and then the serpent came into that garden and changed everything. But that serpent is no match for God. He thrives in fear certainly, but he is nothing. He’s weak and a pretender and is no match for God. I rebuke him. I rebuke the despair he brings and loves. I rebuke the division he brings. I rebuke the hate and the prejudice. I rebuke intolerance and oppression and every other evil. I rebuke Covid-19.

I mentioned a relative online today during a prayer and the leader shuttered when I said what she was into and had been for many, many years. I still wish that relative well and I imagine they had a peaceful day since thousands of people prayed for their conversion and rebuked their beliefs.

St Michael is my patron saint. Many folks don’t know that. I hope wherever you are, blog readers that you crush that serpent under your foot and that st Michael defends you this day and every day in battle. Virus’s are no match for God. Chin-up out there, readers.


To overseas blog readers

Dear overseas friends,

A relief bill for the continuous dismembering of the economy because of the mishandling of the outbreak of the corona virus failed to come to even a vote in the Senate. But we bail out corporations. I fear of what may come for the majority of my friends and some of my loved ones because of those that hold positions of power in the United States. We need your healthcare, leadership, and sense of community so badly. I have used this phrase often the last four months, and it’s all too appropriate here: “This is not what the founders intended.” Please keep us in your prayers as I keep you in mine. God is in control ultimately and He hears us. That I know for certain.




A prayer of gratitude

I am grateful for the pain that I’m in today, and for the nerve damage on my left side.

I am grateful that I may never walk right again.

I am grateful that I have a roof over my head.

I am grateful that I have nerve pain meds.

I am grateful that I began to stock pile food WAY before this country took action on the Coronavirus, or before I realized it existed because I know what it’s like to be hungry and to not have enough.

I am grateful to not have a television.

I am grateful to be alive.

I am grateful to have a bed, a couch, a chair, and all the basics.

I am grateful to know what I am loved by humans and overwhelmingly so by God.

I am grateful for the spiritual fast I am in.

I am grateful that no matter how frustrated, angry, etc I get with my new body….I keep going.

All of these things come from God. I pray that I remain thankful for the rest of my days.



Late night reflections

I have so many people on my mind this morning. It’s now 1:27 am! I’ve been thinking of my siblings, my friends, my family, and the significant others I’ve had too. πŸ‘€ the last grouping was thought of VERY briefly. πŸ˜‚ All of these folks matter to me though. As odd as that sounds. Every person, every interaction, and every memory. In the various stages of my life so far everyone has mattered. Just like right now every human being on Earth matters. It really is a remarkable moment in our history as humans. Papers and books will be written one day about the time we are all living through. Maybe the Earth will heal. Maybe there will be peace on Earth. Maybe we will really realize once and for all as a human race that we aren’t so different after all. ❀️


Choosing joy πŸ˜ƒ

οΏΌi don’t know how to not be serious sometimes. πŸ‘€ Many years ago, I dated someone that bought me a bunch of Legos. Like, I’m talking an entire series of LEGO kits to teach me “how to have fun.”Long story that isn’t important. Ever since him I’ve been really paranoid that I am not fun, funny, etc. With all this weird stuff going on outside of the walls of this quarantine hot spot, after what’s been happening since December of last year, it makes me want to curl up in a ball and pet my dog, eat, and get super large and in charge again. But then I’d get clots….life is weird when you have a weird body. The point is, I have learned to choose joy no matter what. Granted, it’s been the hard way over 35 years and people haven’t always known that’s what I was doing because of how quiet I’d get, and DAMN hard since last year, but πŸ‘πŸ» I’m πŸ‘πŸ» doingπŸ‘πŸ»it. I was literally non verbal at one point and really jumbled before that recently , so I’m doing it. And so should you! Whether you live in Italy or Malaysia, or here in this country you won’t regret it! Don’t let your happy be stifled. And turn to the big guy when you go to sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow and say goodnight and hello and thanks for allowing that miracle to happen. Happy am I to live in times such as these, or more accurately, happy i am to live AT ALL. Tudalou! ❀️


An open letter to a public official

Dear Governor,

I haven’t been an official resident of the state I grew up in for over a month now. Although the time I spent there as an adult wasn’t great from a healthcare standpoint to say the least, my people are there. I am safe where I am, and I will receive healthcare here, but my friends and a portion of my family live and work in the state you are supposedly governing. I cannot really understand why you are being such a nitwit at this moment in history. Small businesses are important, of course, but what about the residents of the state you govern? Public safety? Why has school not been suspended there until AT LEAST May? Why do you constantly post on social? What are you actually do for the residents of your state? Not a thing.

I voted against you when you ran. Your politics were questionable, and you had NO PLAN for healthcare. Look at my friends and family now. As a disabled person, and one of the vulnerable, GET IT TOGETHER. Not for my sake, that ship has long sailed, but for my people. I beg you.


Lisa Bragg


Billions-Quarantine Day 2

I’m very tired, so please excuse me if this isn’t a grammatical work of art. πŸ˜‰ Anyway, as the title states, today was the second full day of hanging around here only.

Watched Aladdin, ate incredibly healthy, took my vitamins, my mom took clothes to be washed, Elles was perfect, and celebrated the Feast of Jesus’ foster father by saying a rosary with literally billions of people. 🀯 I think the number of Catholics around the world is a little over 2 billion. Wrap your minds around that one! 😳

I also spoke to some friends here and there, and took a long shower because today was the last day for my holter monitor. Woo hoo!

This virus is running rampant in the world around me from what I can tell. (So happy to have deleted all those news apps and never got a tv of my own when the other two broke years ago. They’re overrated. ) I’m glad to not sit in front of one all day. To those that do-you do you. πŸ‘ŠπŸ» Tomorrow I’m going to begin Spanish immersion to speak to my friend William and Mami better. Maybe make myself bi or trilingual by the end of this. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ And play at least 5 games of candy land connect 4. Having so much time, well, it’s weird. But as always there’s purpose. God bless us all.

Night, readers. ❀️